A Simple 'Balance' Theory of Homeopathic Detox

Get to know: The Scope of Homeopathic Detox.

Homeopathy is a healing method that uses minuscule amounts of natural substances to stimulate your immune system to resolve symptoms, detox toxins & reverse side effects from medications and vaccines, naturally.

It's the safest medicine parents can use for their children and themselves.

Homeopathic detoxes use highly diluted 'potencies', in recurrent, carefully spaced out doses, to keep the elimination process going.

There is no danger of gaining toxins from the remedies as there are no molecules of the toxin left in them, only the 'energy signature' of the substance, which helps the body recognise [& eliminate] the toxin, microbe or side-effects it needs to address.

You may be familiar with classical homeopathy [where all your symptoms are matched to one remedy]. This is the most deep acting form of homeopathy and it can work wonders!

Sometimes there are blocks to traditional homeopathic healing, caused by toxins, vaccines and medications, which can be resolved with special forms of homeopathic detox.

Whilst finding your classical homeopathic remedy [sometimes called 'constitutional remedy'] involves a lot of skill, training and experience, homeopathic detox is a fairly straight forward form of homeopathy, which you can carry out for yourself with the careful and thorough guidance of this course & the support of a homeopath when you get stuck.

It's not a replacement for classical homeopathy, but when you are struggling to get results, homeopathic detox may be a way to move things along. And when you see a clear "Never Been Well Since" pattern, homeopathic detox may be your way to resolve this.

When you sign up and pay for this course you will have access to:

  • 1 x free group Question & Answer session [30 mins]. Read your course first, to get the best from this.
  • 1 x free 15 min trouble-shooting support call.
  • You can book paid support sessions with my team [currently £55 for a 30 min session, depending on availability] when more guidance is needed.

How Homeopathic Detoxes Work.

During homeopathic detoxes, a minuscule amount of a substance - ie. a toxic metal, a medication, a vaccine, a particular microbe, or a toxin - can be given [in a highly diluted form] to teach the body to recognise and detox the offending substance. All substances, in such dilute amounts stimulate the body, and we are using this effect to stimulate & enhance the body's own detox capabilities, using the body's usual detox pathways.

Below, in the course sections you'll see a step by step guide to the detoxes. Before proceeding, you'll need to take some preparatory steps:

Stage 1: Make a Timeline to Plan the Series of Detoxes - Be thorough.

  1. As far as you can, make a timeline of medications & environmental toxins the patient has been exposed to since conception onward. [This is the main step you need to have in place to get started. You don't need to wait on any test results to get underway].
  2. Consider hair mineral analysis if you suspect toxic metals. [If your results are bad, consider The Works Test from MaxGen ... which is a saliva test giving a genetic panel with a report that tells you the significance of your mutations and what to do about them.]
  3. Consider an Organic Acids Test [a urine test] if you suspect moulds or yeasts. You'll see high markers in the moulds and yeasts section if there is a problem.

[*See the resources section for how to order tests].

homeopathic detox vaccineshomeopathic detox medicationsHomeopathic detox arsenic

Stage 2: Decide which Detoxes you need to do.

If you read through before starting, you'll get good pointers to which substances may have a causative role in health issues. You may not need to detox every medication, or every environmental exposure ... unless you choose to be especially thorough.

You can undertake some testing to facilitate your decision making [see the resources section for suggestions], but drawing a good timeline that includes all medical interventions in one colour and the start of all health problems in another colour will help you see possible causes to target.

Stage 3: Refer to the Detox Hierarchy.

You can choose a different order, particularly if you know, for example, that vaccines were the start of the problem, or toxic metals are a major issue. However,

  • never skip step 1 [Suppressive Medications detox] if the patient has been exposed to steroids for instance.
  • and return to the hierarchical order if you see detox aggravations and no gains. This means something else needs detoxing first.
  • If you do things in the right order it should go quite smoothly as long as you have opened the detox pathways.

Stage 4: Open the Detox Pathways.

  • Organ support should be done from step 1, and will generally help to open detox pathways. Start out with organ support [see section on organ support] for about 8 weeks, during which you can carry out step 1 [steroid detox and poly bowel treatment].
  • Be very cautious if you don't need to do Step 1. You may want to do a month of organ supports before you start detoxing.
  • Supports should be maintained throughout the whole process.
  • You cannot detox efficiently if the bowels are not regular, if the person can't sweat, if the liver is congested and/or if the adrenal system is exhausted [due to prolonged hyperactivity or anxiety]. Organ support will help with these, but ...
  • Make sure the bowels move at least 1 x daily during detox or STOP detoxing until you can resolve constipation.
  • If you detox with constipation or liver congestion you are likely to see skin rashes and night time waking. You should always stop and support the liver and kidneys with the organ supports when you see any skin rashes during detox.

Step 5: Become Very Familiar With Detox Dosing, Detox Symptoms & Detox Supports [all described in this course].

In this course, I recommend detox remedies called 'Poly Detoxes', which speed up the process by grouping related substances into one remedy. This makes detoxes thorough, shorter & less expensive, whilst being equally as effective as detoxing them individually.

The Poly Detoxes originate from Ton Jansen's work, Homeopathic Detox Therapy, and are his adaptation of Tinus Smit's CEASE work.

As I developed my method, I combined:

  • Use of the poly remedies from Homeopathic Detox Therapy.
  • My adaptation of the detox hierarchy from Homeopathic Detox Therapy [adapted according to my clinical experience].
  • Individually tailored dosing similar to CEASE. This tailored dosing uses observed responses to detox doses to judge when to raise the remedy to a higher potency. Homeopathic Detox Therapy raises the potency at set times for all [largely] and I saw aggravations were common when raising the potency from 30c to 200c automatically in this way.
  • By waiting until all responses have stopped before raising the potency, I've been able to avoid aggravations almost entirely.
  • I believe it is ideal to avoid aggravations as I suspect many are caused by stimulating the let down of toxins faster than the person can eliminate them from the body. Our bodies dump toxins in safer places when we can't detox them [like fat cells]. It's best to stimulate detox at the same rate as the person can elimination toxins. That rate is particular to the individual. Careful watching can help you learn their rate of elimination, styles of elimination [through 'pee-tox', stools, etc] and what supports work best for them.

Types of homeopathic detox:

"Isopathy" [detox for toxins like metals, pesticides, etc] = treatment with the same toxic substance that caused the problem, in homeopathic potency, can help to stimulate its elimination from the body [ie, homeopathic arsenic to resolve arsenic poisoning.]

"Tautopathy" [the name for detox for side effects and toxic residues of medicinal drugs, vaccines, etc.] = homeopathic treatment with a homeopathic preparation of a drug or vaccine that may have caused side-effects, to try to resolve those side-effects.

  • Side effects are produced by the body in response to the medicine and a homeopathic preparation of the medicine can help the body to reverse those symptoms.
  • Medicines and vaccines can also cause the build up of toxins, which in some people are not correctly eliminated. This form of homeopathic detox also helps to stimulate the body to eliminate the toxins left behind.

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