I've done it differently before. Is that ok?
There are many different ways to run homeopathic detoxes and you may find that you've done it differently before. The way I've developed has worked well for me in clinical practice and has helped to eliminate the aggravations that I've often seen or heard about during homeopathic detox.
You have not damaged yourself or your child by doing it differently in the past. Aggravations disappear and homeopathy doesn't have the ability to cause side effects. You can cause some discomfort by detoxing too hard, but that will stop when you stop detoxing. You may mobilise toxins at a rate faster than the body can eliminate them and this may be unpleasant and counterproductive, but it is unlikely to be dangerous. The body will work to deposit them in the safest place possible if they are not eliminated and you can start with more knowledge this time around, and tailor the detox so that you are not seeing the kinds of aggravations we don't want to see.
Be sure to check out the section on supporting your detox. If you are working with a homeopath they may be interested in some of the information you are learning here. But ultimately, I hope you will be able to trust your homeopath to be working in your best interests. Even so, keep an open communication with them and you'll both benefit.