Homeopathic detox is safe

Guidance for Patients*

As we saw, homeopathy can use remedies made from toxins, drugs and microbes that you suspect caused your symptoms, to safely detox toxins and resolve symptoms.

It is Safe.

Remedies prepared by homeopathic pharmacies are too dilute to cause chemical side effects or allergic reactions. They stimulate the body to release toxins or rebalance the previous response to the substance. This creates less strain on organs [like the liver] than other detoxing methods such as chelation.

Chelation may strip out toxic metals and beneficial elements so you have to supplement essential minerals when chelating. Your body needs beneficial elements for essential processes, including detox. You can also have allergic responses to chelating agents. They are expensive, unpleasant to take, and often require waking children up at night to administer them.

Detox reactions with chelation can be challenging also, as it is is harder to control the rate at which toxins are mobilised within the body. Homeopathic detox can be finely tuned to the individual to give a smooth and efficient detox.

Here’s a video from a mum who has a highly sensitive son telling how we were able to make detox easy for him.

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